Tsugaru Shinuchi, an experimental half-oni known as the Oni Slayer, accepts a job from an immortal woman named Aya Rindo with her loyal servant Shizuku Hasei. Set in an alternate timeline, during the Belle Époque era in the late 19th century, where supernatural creatures such as vampires and oni exist in the same world as humans. An anime television series adaptation produced by Lapin Track aired on Fuji TV's +Ultra programming block from July to September 2023. The manga has been compiled into three print and four digital tankōbon volumes. A manga adaptation illustrated by Haruka Tomoyama began serialization on Kodansha's Monthly Shōnen Sirius magazine in June 2016, before moving to Nemesis in 2017, and then to the Comic Days website in 2018. It began publication in December 2015, with four volumes being published as of 2023. Undead Girl Murder Farce ( アンデッドガール・マーダーファルス, Andeddo Gāru Mādā Farusu) is a Japanese novel series written by Yugo Aosaki.